HGH Production and Your Age

Growth hormone production and age are closely linked and this is an important consideration to bear in mind for any bodybuilder thinking of trying to increase their production of the crucial pituitary hormone. Not only does growth hormone impact on your visible signs of ageing, but it also changes as you go through life. Here we will look at how age is affected by growth hormone, and at how growth hormone changes as we get older.

In Children

Children produce a lot of growth hormone and for good reason – it’s necessary in order for them to grow! When children are young they will produce large amounts of this crucial hormone which will trigger their bodies to change and to increase in height. This is only possible in children however because their ‘growth plates’ haven’t yet closed. These are parts of the bone which prevent them getting any larger once we reach a certain age, and even if you have a ton of growth hormone you won’t see any growth in your legs or arms once they close up.

Interestingly though some parts of the body do continue to grow with increased GH – such as the jaw, the ears, the digits and the nose. That’s why these features keep growing as we get older and it’s why it’s so important to increase HGH in natural ways as an athlete.

As We Age

HGH and ageAs we age, various changes can occur which cause HGH levels to decrease. This is due to damage occurring over time to the endocrine system which controls the production of the hormone. Not everyone will see a reduction in GH as they grow older, but most of us will. This is why it’s even more important for older bodybuilders to take measures to try and increase their production further.

What’s especially interesting though, is that HGH can also actually slow down the effects of ageing. This is because it triggers the body to repair and grow, which also occurs to the damage done to the cells. When you look at your face and see lots of wrinkles, this is because the cells have been damaged through constant mitosis (splitting) and the bombardment of free radicals and radiation from the sun.

Those cells can still be repaired though if the body gets round to it, and this is why growth hormone can help to actually reduce some of the visible signs of ageing. This is also why it is used by many celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone so that they can extend their careers.

Growth hormone also prevents something else we associate with older-age: muscle weakness. This is incredibly important for older bodybuilders and can make all the difference when it comes to extending your career in the gym.

Increase Your HGH with the Best Natural Growth Hormone Supplements


hgh and workoutWorking Out and Your Age

Growth hormone is just one variable that can change as you get older. At the same time, you will find that your energy levels and your testosterone slow down and that you accumulate aches and pains in your joints which can hamper CV training.

Ultimately the way you train, eat, recover and supplement needs to change as you get older – and growth hormone is a big reason for that. Make sure you take this into consideration and you’ll be able to keep bodybuilding until you’re old and grey!


Role of HGH Supplements

One of the best ways to boost HGH in your body is with the help of HGH supplements. Such supplements are a huge hit with bodybuilders since they can increase HGH without side effects. Here are some of the best HGH supplements:

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