Dianabol Gains, Effects and Results on the Body

Dianabol is an anabolic steroid that is often chosen for its relatively mild effects. Dianabol is the steroid of choice for women who want to build bigger muscle without upsetting their menstrual cycle or their hormone balance, it’s the steroid of choice that GPs prescribe to children and it’s the steroid that a lot of … Read more

Best Methandrostenolone Dosage for Beginners

If you talk to a bodybuilder who is considering using a PED for the first time (performance enhancing drug), then there’s a good chance that they’re considering methandrostenolone as their ‘gateway’. This is an anabolic steroid that is often touted as being one of the safest on the market and one of the ones with … Read more

Are Dianabol Blue Hearts Real or Fake?

Dianabol is one of the safer anabolic steroids when compared to Deca or Anadrol but still comes with a number of risks and serious side effects. And one of the biggest risks that often gets overlooked is that you’re going to be buying something online and with zero regulation. This is an illegal substance and … Read more

10 Worst Anabol Side Effects in Men

While using steroids can be tempting, it’s incredibly important to think long and hard about the potential side effects before you make that decision. There is no such thing as a ‘free lunch’ when it comes to your biology and any substance that causes profound changes is also likely to have a lot of serious … Read more

Best Injectable Steroids – List of Legal Steroids for Sale

A lot of people wish that they could have their cake and eat it. This is true in the world of steroids where you will often find people asking what the ‘best legal steroid’ is, or what the ‘steroid with no side effects’ is. What’s key is that you stop this line of thinking right … Read more

Over the Counter Steroids – Legal VS Illegal OTC Steroids

Steroids are well known for their powerful effects on the body and their ability to help athletes pack on muscle, increase endurance and burn through fat. Their results are such that pretty much every guy on the planet would be taking them were it not for a few caveats. The first? They can cause a … Read more

Anabolic Steroids and Weight Gain – Diet, Mechanisms, Use

Anabolic steroids can be used for a wide number of different reasons and are regularly used by athletes, bodybuilders, and guys who just want to get into great shape. Steroids can add muscle mass, help to burn fat, increase bone density and improve athletic performance on measures of speed, endurance and of course strength. However, … Read more

Does Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack Work?

Crazy Bulk’s bulking stack is a combination of all their best supplements in one incredible stack. Specifically, you get Testo Max, Trenorol, D-Bal and Decaduro. For those looking to gain a lot of extra muscle without resorting to steroids, this promises to be the most effective way to boost strength and size minus side effects. But … Read more