Benefits of HGH Oral Sprays

When it comes to beneficial hormones, there are few that are more desirable for bodybuilders than human growth hormone. This is one of the hormones that tells the body to begin repairing and rebuilding tissue which leads to muscle growth, fat burning and better recovery. After an intense workout, getting a large dose of growth hormone will ensure that you repair the microtears you’ve created and see your muscles swell rapidly.



Growth hormone is produced naturally by the body in the pituitary gland and various different lifestyle changes (such as getting more sleep or taking hot showers) can help you to increase its production to further enhance these effects.

For many bodybuilders though, subtly increasing their levels of HGH is not enough and what they actually want is to give themselves a real surge in production to get the edge over their competition and maximise their potential for muscle growth. Thus many will turn to a number of products including HGH injections (injections of synthetic versions of HGH), oral sprays and supplements. Sylvester Stallone is a big proponent of using additional sources of HGH in order to develop the kind of ripped physique he is known for.

Oral Sprays Versus Other Methods

So increasing growth hormone levels is one way to increase hypertrophy, fat burning and a number of other desirable traits. But why use oral sprays?

Well one of the alternatives is to use injections of synthetic growth hormone. This is not FDA approved for use in sports or athletics and can lead to a number of side effects associated with overly high levels of the hormone. For instance excess growth hormone can also cause growth in other undesirable areas such as the jaw and internal organs. It can also increase your chances of developing diabetes and other conditions, and because it’s illegal in most areas without a prescription you can’t be sure you’re getting what you think you are.

Oral sprays, on the other hand, can be bought legally and claim to do the same thing by providing you with ‘real’ growth hormone in a spray form that you use by spraying into your mouth. This is much more convenient than an injection while the smaller quantities will mean more modest effects.

But there is still debate over whether this method of delivery actually works. There are no studies to show that growth hormone can actually pass through into the blood stream when used this way, and it’s uncertain what process is used to make the spray.

Supplements for the Best Effects

The best and safest way to increase growth hormone then is through the use of hgh supplements. These contain a range of ingredients which commonly include amino acids and vitamins designed to encourage the body to produce more growth hormone naturally. This ensures that you don’t produce too much of the substance and allows the body to regulate those quantities. These supplements are completely safe, affordable and easy to maintain and can have powerful effects when combined with a program of training and lifestyle changes.

Best HGH Supplements

Here are some of the best HGH Supplements that can help boost your growth hormone levels naturally without any negative side effects. These are absolutely safe and can help you get better results from your workouts: