5 Must-Do Ab Exercises That Should be in Every Workout

The abs are the muscle group that everyone wants. Not only do they strengthen and stabilise your body thus improving performance in every other exercise, but they also create that toned and ripped look that makes you feel like a super model or Hollywood actor.


But if you want great abs then sit ups and crunches alone just aren’t going to cut it. You need to mix it up and you need to challenge your core in new ways. Read below and you’ll see five ab exercises that are proven to get results. These belong in every core workout.


Watch this video to find out more on 5 Must-do ab exercises that can help you get a six pack quickly:




Forearm Plank

Get onto your forearms with your feet on the ground and then lift your body up. This is an isometric hold and simply holding this pose will be a great way to strengthen your core and to involve all of your stabilising muscles. As an isometric hold (meaning there’s no movement) this is ideal for strengthening the slow twitch muscle fibres and building stability. You can make this harder by putting your legs slightly wider apart, by alternate arms off of the ground, or by bringing alternate knees up by your side (this is called the ‘Spider-Man’).


Side Plank

This time you’re holding a similar position, except you’ll be resting on your side using just one forearm. This is a great isometric hold for training your obliques that run down either side of your abs. Don’t forget obliques if you want to build a detailed looking mid-section. To make it harder you can hold a light dumbbell in your free arm and bring it down to the ground then back up pointing to the ceiling. This twist is ideal for hitting obliques.


Bicycle Crunch

Get into sit up position but hold your neck, shoulders and legs off of the ground (so you’re balancing on just your rear). Now you’re going to bring your elbows (either side of your head) in to touch your opposite knee. Not only is this a fantastic way to train your abs, obliques and lower back that never lets up the pressure, but it’s also a brilliant way to improve your coordination and strengthen your central nervous system being a contra-lateral movement. To make it harder, grab a medicine ball and pass it through your legs as your knees move.


Reverse Crunch

Lie on the ground with your hands flat on the floor and head slightly raised. Now with your legs bent, you’re going to crunch your knees up to your chest in a rounded movement. Squeeze your abs as you go through each repetition and try to really feel the burn in them.


Vertical Knee Raise

Also known as frog kicks, these involve hanging from a pull up bar or suspending your body on a dipping station. Now you’re going to just bring your knees up to your chest (frog kick), swing your feet straight up in front of you (leg raises) or swing them up one at a time (scissor kicks).

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