Annoying Gym Habits

Every bodybuilder loves the gym. While they may not always be in the mood for the intense workout they know they have to complete, they nevertheless will almost always view the gym as a safe haven where everything is simple and where they can burn off some steam and vent any frustrations they may have from the day.


Unfortunately though there’s one downside to the gym: other people. Other people who get in the way, slow us down, make us uncomfortable and ruin the equipment. Here are some of the biggest annoyances you may recognise from your own gym.


Oh and if you’re guilty of any of these things yourself? Sort it out!


The Most Annoying Gym Habits

Staring: The reason this one is so annoying is that so many people do it. You’ll be happily working out and using a piece of equipment, only to looking over and see someone gawking at you. This might be because they fancy you (a bigger problem for women), because they want to use the machine you’re on, because they’re impressed by the amount you’re lifting, or just because they’re completely socially inept and don’t realise that it’s not cool to drool at other people in the gym. Whatever the case, it makes you feel awkward and uncomfortable and usually means you leave that station as fast as possible.


Shouting: Most of us will grunt and groan under the weights and indeed if you’re completely silent while you work out then you’re probably just not trying hard enough. That said though, there’s really no need for yelling at the top of your lungs as you repeat reps, giving yourself loud pep-talks, or breathing so heavily you sound like Darth Vader with asthma. The only reason that anyone would make this much noise in the gym is that they’re trying to get attention. Be quiet, no one cares. And we’re trying to listen to our music…


The same goes for people who clatter about, throw weights on the floor or just let go of the handle on the resistance machines when they’re done. Apart from anything else these people severely risk destroying the equipment.


Chatting: Chatting is nice and a little bit of gym camaraderie can really help to put you in a good mood, create a good workout and give your workouts a little extra oomph.


What you don’t want though is a full on 20 minute conversation that causes you to lose your pump. What you also don’t want is to encounter people who chat for ages when they feel like it and then completely ignore you the next time you go to the gym like the girl from ’50 First Dates’. That’s both disruptive and awkward.


Sweating: I get that it’s not your fault if you’re sweaty and that this is largely a genetic trait (though there is such thing as antiperspirant…). What I don’t get is how someone can sweat so much as to leave a bum print on the bench press and then just walk away without wiping it up. You’re actually given a towel when you walk into the gym precisely for this reason… so use it!

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