How Do Steroids Work in the Body for Bodybuilding?

When you think about what steroids can do to an athlete, it’s really quite incredible to think that it’s all from a single drug. Really it sounds like something science fiction, or something that belongs in a comic book – by swallowing one pill you can transform your body, grow more muscle and burn fat … Read more

Can You Use Steroids to Lose Weight and Get Cut?

Think of steroids and you might think of someone like Ronnie Coleman or Jay Cutler. These are huge guys who are absolutely covered in muscle and with calves bigger than most of our heads! This is what we think of when we imagine steroid use and as such, they are somewhat associated with bulking, strength … Read more

Best Injectable Steroids – List of Legal Steroids for Sale

A lot of people wish that they could have their cake and eat it. This is true in the world of steroids where you will often find people asking what the ‘best legal steroid’ is, or what the ‘steroid with no side effects’ is. What’s key is that you stop this line of thinking right … Read more

Athletes on Steroids – A List of Famous Athletes Caught Cheating

Steroids are drugs that can boost muscle mass, increase strength, enhance endurance and even accelerate recovery. For athletes, this is something of a perfect storm and can greatly help them to perform better in their chosen sports – so it’s no wonder that so many have secretly opted to use these substances to get an … Read more

Are Steroids Bad for You if You Use Them Properly?

For any guy who wants to build muscle, burn fat and feel more confident in themselves, steroids might well seem like the perfect solution. These are drugs that can help anyone to raise their testosterone leading to enhanced anabolism (and muscle growth), rapid fat loss, greater libido and more masculine aggression. More efficiently than any … Read more

Steroid Injection Sites – Quad, Shoulder and Thigh Comparison

When using different steroids, there are different ways to take the drugs. Some athletes will choose to use oral steroids in order to avoid the painful process of injecting themselves (and the paraphernalia and risks that come with that). Others will opt to inject in order to reduce the amount of liver toxicity and to … Read more

Steroid Injection Side Effects – Does it Cause Shoulder Pain?

Using steroids is a very big decision for any athlete, gym rat or bodybuilder. Not only are steroids illegal but they also come with a laundry list of potential side effects, risks and considerations. What’s more, I that steroids affect your lifestyle. Once you decide to start using steroids, everything changes. Apart from anything else, … Read more

Over the Counter Steroids – Legal VS Illegal OTC Steroids

Steroids are well known for their powerful effects on the body and their ability to help athletes pack on muscle, increase endurance and burn through fat. Their results are such that pretty much every guy on the planet would be taking them were it not for a few caveats. The first? They can cause a … Read more

How to Use Steroids the Right Way to Gain Muscle

Many people think that steroids make it incredibly easy to build muscle. All they need to do is to start injecting and within a few weeks, they’ll look like the Incredible Hulk. Unfortunately though, it’s really not that simple. In reality, steroids vary greatly and they carry a number of risks, dangers and caveats. In … Read more