5 Must-Do Arm Exercises

Is your old arms routine growing stale? Then you need to try introducing some different exercises into the mix to really switch things up. The below exercises are fantastic for doing just that, and place a little more emphasis on triceps and forearms which is missing from most arms workouts. If you want to see improved hypertrophy in your arms, then these are must do exercises.


Watch the video below to find out how to do these exercises:




1. Overhead Lying Tricep Extention

To start with you’re going to grab a triceps bar or two dumbbells and then you’re going to perform overhead tricep extensions followed immediately by skull crushers.


To perform tricep extensions you’ll hold the weights behind your head with elbows bent, then you’ll straighten out your arms using your triceps in order to raise the weight directly up. Next you’re going to lie down and move directly into skull crushers. Here you lie down with the weight above you as though you were going to do a bench press, except you’re instead going to bend your elbows bringing the weight down just in front of your forehead (hence ‘skull crushers’) before straightening your arm and bringing it back again. These two exercises target the triceps in a similar but slightly different manner so they’re ideal for a complex set. Complete a few reps of each for a single set.


2. Overhead Kettlebell Extention

Next up is the overhead kettlebell extension. This is similar to the exercise you used in the first set where the weight is lifted up behind your head by bending at the elbow. The difference is that the shape of the kettlebell means the weight will hang lower slightly altering the angle of the weight on your triceps.


3. V-Dip

Moving on to the V-dip, you will need to parallel bars or surfaces and are then going to dip yourself straight down the middle. Unlike regular dips though you’re going to ‘lean’ more to one side as you bring yourself up, alternating which side on each repetition. As the name suggests, you’ll essentially be drawing a ‘V’ with your body as you move.


4. Kettlebell Hammer Curls

Switching to biceps, you’re now going to try some kettlebell hammer curls. Hammer curls means you’re using an inside grip with palms facing each other. By using kettlebells, you’ll again be changing the angle of the weight, training your grip and generally shocking the biceps into growth.


5. Zottman Curls

Zottman curls are curls that you use starting with a supinated, underhand grip and then moving on to an overhand grip by twsting your hands around at the top of the movement. This is a great way to target the entirety of the biceps and to get the forearms involved too.


And there you have it, a perfect arms workout that will shock your muscles into growth. Think it’s odd that there’s only two bicep exercises in there? Well actually that’s what any arms workout routine should look like. That’s because the arms are made up of 2/3rds triceps, so you need to ensure that this is reflected in your training routines. As this routine also places a good amount of emphasis on forearms, it’s actually one of the most balanced routines you’re likely to find!

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