Get Huge Arms With This This Super Effective ‘Armed to the Core’ Workout

Kizzito Ejam is a sponsored athlete with who has impressively jacked arms. Recently he shared his workout and it’s one of the most effective ways you can build size on your guns.

The workout is called the ‘Armed to the Core’ workout, and it involves three supersets. Supersets are sets of two exercises performed back-to-back so that you’re not actually resting in between. Usually these exercises will either be aimed at hitting the same muscle group, or the opposing muscle group to help provide balance. This removes the rest period while still allowing your body to recover from that specific movement. It’s ideal for intensity and for getting in and out of the gym quickly.



The Supersets

Following are the three supersets you will be using to achieve maximum hypertrophy in your arms… You should be doing two sets of each superset.

Biceps Superset 1: Standing Barbell Curl with Standing EZ-Bar Curl

You are going to start with a simple standing barbell curl followed by the EZ-Bar Curl. The EZ Bar takes some of the pressure off of your wrists allowing you to slightly change the angle of the movement. This little bit of variation will allow you to really get the most from your curls. You can experiment with different grips to really target the biceps from every angle.

Triceps Superset 1: Rope Extension with Bodyweight Skull Crusher

Training triceps is just as important as biceps for your arms workout and you should never forget that. Your arm should be 2/3rds tricep really, so make sure to spend time on these supersets.

Start with rope extensions (push downs) to get a good burn going on your triceps, then you’re going to try bodyweight skull crushers. These are a more interesting exercise in which you will be starting in press up position with your hands in front of you, then bringing your head closer to the ground by bending your arms at the elbows.

Biceps Superset 2: Spider Curl with Alternating Dumbbell Curl

Spider curls are curls you perform while leaning forward against a bench so that your arms dangle forward. These really isolate the biceps and allow you to get the full range of motion. Next up is the alternating dumbbell curls which will allow you to hit each arm even more precisely.

Triceps Superset 2: Overhead Dumbbell Extension with Bodyweight Dips

For the next set of triceps you’ll be doing overhead dumbbell extensions with bodyweight dips. These again train the triceps from different angles, while the dips will also be hitting the pecs and the shoulders. Don’t let them help out too much though!

Triceps and Biceps Giant Set: Skull Crusher, Close-Grip Bench Press, Hammer Curl

To end you’re going to do a giant set. This is one huge set made up of lots of different exercises that will follow each other directly with no rest. Basically that means you’ll be performing a huge number of reps across the biceps and triceps, which will really ‘flush out’ the arms so that you have nothing left to give.

Abs Circuit

Kizzito likes to end his arms workout with an abs circuit consisting of the cable crunch, reverse weighted crunch and rope pullover. If you’re working on lean definition, then you might want to include one of these in your workout too.


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